Extinction of Hidden Gems in The Ocean
Extinction of Hidden Gems in The Ocean By: Yvonne Rennesia Gulo \ It's holiday time. Where should we go? Abroad country, or stay and explore them? Bali will be the first one when they decide to visit Indonesia as their destination. Why must Bali? Because Bali has beautiful beaches and a lot of kind marine biota. But, some spots were not taken care of, and the ecosystem underwater was broken and destroyed. We could not see any shimmering fish anymore. According to greeners.co, Every year's divers dive around the ocean in Indonesia until they finally realize that the sea is destroyed. One of the divers, Raty Ning, shared her experience and opinion about her favorite place. I have been diving through many oceans since the mid-90s. Back then, the water was so clean and beautiful to see. When it comes to the 20s, the dramatic difference starts to appear. Especially for the last five years, Indonesian seas have been very polluted and dirty. We can see the discrepancy between past and...