Extinction of Hidden Gems in The Ocean

Extinction of Hidden Gems in The Ocean

By: Yvonne Rennesia Gulo


It's holiday time. Where should we go? Abroad country, or stay and explore them? Bali will be the first one when they decide to visit Indonesia as their destination. Why must Bali? Because Bali has beautiful beaches and a lot of kind marine biota. But, some spots were not taken care of, and the ecosystem underwater was broken and destroyed. We could not see any shimmering fish anymore.

According to greeners.co, Every year's divers dive around the ocean in Indonesia until they finally realize that the sea is destroyed. One of the divers, Raty Ning, shared her experience and opinion about her favorite place. I have been diving through many oceans since the mid-90s. Back then, the water was so clean and beautiful to see. When it comes to the 20s, the dramatic difference starts to appear. Especially for the last five years, Indonesian seas have been very polluted and dirty. We can see the discrepancy between past and present in the coral reefs. Before the 20s, the coral reefs gave us their beauty. But, year by year, the damage under the sea was caused by human exploitation and climate change. The existence of coral reefs home to marine life are essential for countries, especially countries included in the coral triangle, such as Indonesia.

But how can we protect our coral reefs or even our splendid oceans? There are a lot of things that we can do, too. One way that governments can do this is to apply Sustainable Tourism. Sustainable Tourism is a way to sustainable practices in and by the tourism industry. It is an aspiration to acknowledge all impacts of tourism, both positive and negative. It aims to minimize the adverse effects and maximize the positive ones. The negative consequences are economic leakage, damage to the natural environment, and overcrowding, to name a few. On the other hand, the positive impacts are job creation, cultural heritage preservation and interpretation, and wildlife preservation landscape restoration.

As an indigenous person living here for a long time, we could not only blame the tourists. We should introspect ourselves by not polluting our country's assets. After we polluted the ocean, the impacts increased corals' exposure to viruses, bacteria, or other disease-causing microorganisms, which are collectively known as pathogens. Excess nutrients from land pollution sources can cause coral bleaching and disease, decreased coral reproduction, decreased coral skeleton integrity, decreased coral cover and biodiversity, increased phytoplankton shading, and algal overgrowth.

Simple ways to start are not throwing or making the pollution in the river. By throwing garbage in the trash will create a clean and tidy environment to look at. Not only that but also throwing garbage in its place will help the city from the danger of flooding. They are not dumping factory waste in the sea. A factory should know how to dispose of its factory waste. And always appreciate and love nature.

As a student, the first thing that needs to be done is to start by studying seriously so that Indonesia will have quality human resources and be able to compete in the international world. Both students must be able to understand the environmental conditions around them. Third, participate in community activities, for example, by volunteering to provide education about the importance of maintaining cleanliness and being able to help protect marine resources for sustainable development. Students must also have a critical attitude in progress, not apathy in setbacks. Able to think critically in dealing with existing challenges or problems.

Works Cited

“Kerusakan Laut Indonesia Berlangsung Sepanjang 25 Tahun Terakhir.” Greeners.Co, www.greeners.co/berita/kerusakan-laut-indonesia-telah-terjadi-dalam-25-tahun-terakhir/. Accessed 4 Jan. 2022.

rariel. “What Is Sustainable Tourism?” Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), 2021, www.gstcouncil.org/what-is-sustainable-tourism/.

Dampaknya Pada Kehidupan Laut | Ketahanan Terumbu. reefresilience.org/id/management-strategies/wastewater-pollution/impacts-on-marine-life/. Accessed 5 Jan. 2022.

Kompasiana.com. “Mahasiswa, Sukseskan SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Life below Water Dalam Upaya Mewujudkan Indonesia Maju.” KOMPASIANA, 5 Oct. 2021, www.kompasiana.com/putri03389/615bd8742098ab0b780eaf32/mahasiswa-sukseskan-sdgs-sustainable-development-goals-life-below-water-dalam-upaya-mewujudkan-indonesia-maju. Accessed 5 Jan. 2022.

Mengulas 5 Cara Mencegah Kerusakan Alam – Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kota Semarang. dlh.semarangkota.go.id/mengulas-5-cara-mencegah-kerusakan-alam/. Accessed 5 Jan. 2022.


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